How Drug Trafficking Affects The United States And Its Youth

Lawyers Gun - How Drug Trafficking Affects The United States And Its Youth

Good afternoon. Today, I learned about Lawyers Gun - How Drug Trafficking Affects The United States And Its Youth. Which may be very helpful for me and you. How Drug Trafficking Affects The United States And Its Youth

Today, drug trafficking is a scourge that is affecting almost all nations and their youth. The United States is no different. According to the National Household recognize on Drug Abuse (Nhsda), a recognize conducted by Samhsa (Substance Abuse and mental Services Administration) and the following staggering statistics were revealed:

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1. An estimated 14.8 million Americans currently use illicit drugs

2. An estimated 6.4 million Americans use cocaine, heroine, hallucinogens

Drug use and its consequences threaten and affect the nation and its habitancy from every socio-economic background, geographic region, and habitancy with any level of education. Expanding use of illegal drugs among the youth is quite alarming. Kids suffer from life-long dependency problems by inspiring substances like heroine and cocaine. Early use of illicit drugs leads to unhealthy behavior. It also company itself with unwanted pregnancy and premature sexual activity which results in exposure to Stds (sexually transmitted diseases).

The Us suffers an every year loss of about 70 billion dollars due to drug-related illnesses, death, and drug related crimes. Illicit drug users are unaware of the fact that drug abuse indirectly or directly affects their family, their neighborhood, their business, their instruction and their condition adversely.

Harmful drugs consumed by pregnant women affect both the mom as well as the unborn child. Maternal drug abuse contributes to birth defects and baby mortality. According to a modern research, the use of drugs by a pregnant woman may supervene in poor amelioration of the child after birth and they are more likely to die from sudden baby death syndrome or Sids.

It has been observed that teens inspiring marijuana are most likely to consume cocaine in later years. The second commonly consumed drug after marijuana is a stimulant. Most 12th graders use Lsd on a monthly basis. Using Lsd stimulates the mind but can severely affect the nervous system. A teenager can risk his life by inspiring drugs and is also more vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases as well as Aids.

With the rise in consumption of drugs, drug-related crimes are Expanding steadily and thus foremost to numerous drug related arrests either because of proprietary of drugs or thefts committed to fund the drug habit.

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